

百姓民生 閲讀(3.17W)

青秀區南陽鎮新樓村上甘坡,當地人稱“殿嶺”,有一座300多年曆史的徽派式古建築羣,目前還未被開發,非常古樸純真。“Shangganpo Village is located in Nanyang town of Qingxiu district in Nanning. The locals call it Dian Ling. The village has the Hui style ancient buildings with a history of 300 years. The buildings haven’t been developed at present. They are very original, simple and pure.”。古建築羣佔地40畝,有31座明清時代的老宅。


相傳明朝時的上甘坡陸氏先祖到“殿嶺”一帶放牛時,耕牛圍在一塊形似牛兒的大石頭邊不願挪步了。這一反常行為引起陸氏先祖的注意,經過觀察,發現此地景色奇麗,水草繁茂,氣候宜人,於是遷來此定居。“After observation, the ancestors of Lu’s family found that this was a good place for living with beautiful scenery, pleasant climate, abundant plants and water.”。至今已有300多年之久,生活在此的陸氏族人已繁衍生息了二十三代人。“People of Lu’s family have lived in this village for over 300 years. They have made twenty-three generations.”。

村裏的女子學堂是一座中西風格合併的建築,長約35米、寬約15米。“The Girl’s School of the village is an architecture combined with Chinese and western. It is about 35 meters long and 15 meters wide.”。屋頂設計及外觀為中式風格,而教學樓正面的門窗、廊坊及大門構造卻是西式風格。在舊時代,女子地位卑微,更談不上接受文化教育。但一位叫陸善猷的鄉紳認為,女子也應該有接受教育的權利。“In the old days, the status of women was very low. They didn’t obtain a chance to receive education. However, Lu Shanyou, a country gentleman, believed that women should have the right to receive education.”。他便帶頭捐錢籌建女子學堂,讓當地的女孩子有了上學的機會。據村民介紹,如今村裏許多年逾古稀的老人都是這所女子學堂的學生。


村裏一位老人説,他家裏人數最多時有30多口人。“An old man said the largest number of people in his family was more than thirty.”。上世紀80年代,隨着家族成員增多以及年輕人外出工作,後輩陸續分了家。但每至年關,子孫無論身在何處都會趕回大屋吃團圓飯,一家人其樂融融。“In 1980s, the descendants divided up the family property and lived apart because the family members increased and the young people went out to work. But anyhow, at the end of the year, no matter where they are, all the members will come back, get together as a big family and have a family reunion dinner.”。不管他們到了哪裏,都能較好地傳承和睦共處的大屋精神,而這樣的大屋精神,在如今,顯得尤為珍貴。正是因為這種精神,能讓村莊除了陳年故事,還有未來發展。

黃倩華 整理/翻譯